Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Metrosexual Dreaming

A couple weeks ago I took the Metrosexual Worship Leader Quiz and (depending on who you talk to) scored pretty high.

I may have some "metro" tendencies. I like to think of it as more of an artistic bent though.

When I sit down and think about what I want to do with my life, a lot of ideas come to mind. I'd love to get involved in video production. Not movies, but more documentary/real life kind of stuff. Do video work that inspires and moves people.

I'd love to work for a clothing company (here's the metro). Clothing is art, that people wear! It's amazing!

I'd like to grow a creative environment where musicians, artists, photographers and other creative types can come to seek refuge. A place where art is used to create a better future.

Maybe that's why Jedidiah is so close to my heart. They seem to encompass everything I could see myself doing in the future. I wonder if a company like that could make a go of it in Central Ontario?

Any other metro-guys want to join me? Ladies are welcome too.

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