Check out this CRAZY play from the NCAA. The team in white needs to score a touchdown with only a couple seconds on the clock. It looks like they are toast, but what happens next is almost unreal. 15 lateral passes and they win! Check it out.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
What a Weekend!
Saturday I was at the "Say My Name" finals at the Bayfield Mall and after we gave away the trip to Mexico I checked my phone to see how Crystal was. She had left me a message that they rushed her to emerge once the doctor saw her at the walk-in. So off I went to the emergency room at RVH only to see Crystal sitting in the pink chairs in the waiting room. (Pink meaning she hadn't even gone through the preliminary screening) We were in the emergency department for quite some time... We played trivia, sudoku and crosswords to pass the time. People must have thought we were some kind of freaks. We were laughing and playing games, while people around us are crying, moaning and doing their best to look their worst hoping it would get them in faster. We finally made it in after 10pm (7 hours). By 3am they had given Crystal some antibiotics and told her the technician for a CAT scan wasn't in so she'd have to come back tomorrow. We were both hungry so I made us nachos at 4 in the morning.
Sunday, (8am) we were back at the hospital getting ready for a CAT scan. Crystal drank this nasty "dirty dishwater" as she called it and got ready for the tests. Once the tests were done they said it would be 2 or 3 hours before the had results... Great, more waiting around. About 30 minutes after the tests the surgeon appeared in our room saying they were going to remove Crystal's appendix, and the booked to O.R. for 2 o'clock. She went in at 3:00 and was up in her room at 4:30. (Her room was in the newborn section because they are short on space.) I stayed with her until about 10:00 last night then headed home.
Crystal called me this morning at about 9:30 saying they are kicking her out and needs me to come pick her up. We went home, settled in and then I went grocery shopping because she can't eat solid food yet. Lots of Jello and yogurt for the next couple days.
So after spending over 26 hours in the hospital over 2 days am I upset? No. I would be if nothing was wrong with Crystal, but they found what was wrong and they fixed it. It wasn't that bad, because of our work schedules we haven't had that much time together in a long time!
Here's what's weird about the whole ordeal. I wasn't worried at any point of the weekend. I kinda feel guilty for that. My wife was going in for surgery and had her appendix burst, she could have died. Still I wasn't worried. I knew she was in the hands of very capable doctors, and God was lookin out for her, why worry? I couldn't do anything to change the circumstances. Am I wrong to feel that way?
She made me promise not to post pictures from my phone on Facebook or MySpace, so here's what it would have looked like had I been the one with an infected appendix. Believe me, if I could have, I would have gladly taken her place.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Slammin House Party

Thanks to everyone who called in, who tuned in, and who contributed to the night. Have a solid weekend!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Party Goers
So we have differing opinions, but that's why there's chocolate and vanilla.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Grocery Store Timing
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
I don't know if you watch "Dancing With The Stars," (I don't) but you will likely enjoy this clip either way. Marie Osmond is a popular singer from the 70's (Donny & Marie) and she has just finished dancing her routine. Marie and her partner are waiting for the judges to announce their scores and it appears she's breathing pretty heavily.
The good news is she's ok, the bad news is she didn't win. I kinda feel bad for her and the clip makes me squirm a little in sympathy. It is still pretty funny that it happened on LIVE tv last night. She said it has happened many times before when she forgets to breathe properly. I didn't think the whole
Monday, October 22, 2007
Get In On The Action
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Rekindling The Flame

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Wear Something Gaudy Day
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Played To Order
Monday, October 15, 2007
You Don't Know What It's Like
My sister got baptised at her church last night and I was in attendance. This is the church I grew up in, spent my teenage years in and attended every Sunday morning, and yet as I sat in the pew it felt foreign to me. I knew a grand total of 1 song in their worship celebration, (a hymn). The rest of the songs were from Tommy Walker and I had never heard of them before. If you've bnever sang a Tommy Walker song, it's not a simple song. It is complex, and hard to sing along to if you don't know the song. (Plus the Pentecostal versions are over 8 minutes long)
The experience opened my eyes to how visitors must feel in our churches. Sure WE know the songs, and we put the words on the screen for those who don't know them, but it's not enough. Last night the words were on the screen and I still didn't get it, and by the 3rd time through the song I was ready to quit trying to get it. I don't know what the solution is for this, but I can tell you as an outsider it was an uncomfortable experience.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Group Therapy Thursday
Good Luck Dan!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Thanksgiving Weekend
Friday, October 5, 2007
All Request Run
Have a great Thanksgiving, play nice in the sandbox and I'll catch you on Tuesday!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
AJ - Excited About A Book?
I want you to watch the video below... Tell me what you think. It's a video that co-incides with a book that is being released in the next 10 days called "unchristian." Now as a guy who's frustrated with what Christianity has become, and is frustrated with the "Christian Bubble" this book has peaked my interest. What adds to the appeal of this book is the fact it's got contributions from some of my favorite teachers, (Andy Stanley, Brian McLaren and Rick Warren) I'm going to go pick it up the day it comes out, and will likely be writing some blogs about what I draw from the book, but over the next couple days ask yourself how you are viewed by those you are supposed to be reaching with the gospel message. The answer might surprise you.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
NHL Season Is Here!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Technicolor Yawns

Monday, October 1, 2007
Guitar Hero