Wednesday, June 18, 2008

This Is For The Dreamers

I am a dreamer. (Maybe that's why I like Field Of Dreams so much.) It's part of who I am, and I don't think it'll ever go away. Sure people have tried to extinguish that fire that burns within me. Heck, at times I've tried to extinguish that fire in favour of "responsibility" and "growing up," but the fire never fully goes out. Well the dreamer in me has been extra active lately, and I think that's how it should be. I think God has given each of us dreams. We've been made by an incredibly creative God, and since we are made in his image, we are also creative beings. One of my dreams is to create an environment where people are free to dream. A venue where creativity is nurtured and dreams encouraged. A place where people discover what dreams God has placed in their hearts. A place where people can break out of the mundane and routine that has infiltrated their life. A place that awakens the dreamer in each of us. Sure you may say it's "pie in the sky" (whatever that means), but I believe it can happen.
Dreams come in all shapes and sizes. Almost 30 years ago one man had a crazy dream to start an all sports tv channel. Now it's ESPN. In 1976 one man had a dream to have computers available to the public. That dream turned into the company that is now Apple. Whether the dream is something small (like teaching developmentally challenged people life skills) or something big (saving the world's endangered species), I think we all have dreams inside of us. Dreams that God has put inside of us. Dreams that are bigger than we are. Dreams that could change the course of human history forever. Nurture those dreams, let them take root and grow inside of you. And don't let anyone try to tell you it can't be done.

That's all for now. Thanks for listening/reading.