A flash mob at Robinson's in Huntsville!
Were you there?
Stick-tap to Erin for sharing.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
True Love
Good Friday is one of my favourite church services of the year.
I know Easter Sunday is the fun one, with the bright colours and happy music, but there's something about Good Friday that moves me.
I think Good Friday allows for more creativity in the service presentation. It's more than just the pastor preaching on stage. Good Friday usually means a video message, and that allows for a more dynamic message. The service programming deaprtment can be more creative in their approach and (in my opinion) makes the service that much better.
Last year the band performed True Love, and it moved me to tears. Musically, they nailed it, and the video playing in the background added that extra "umph".
This isn't the video they used, but it was something similar. Check it out!
Friday, April 15, 2011
$100 For Fries?
$100 for McDonald's fries!?!?!
I must admit this is pretty clever. I don't seem to remember it though. Maybe it was only in Alberta or B.C.?
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
English 101
"Christian is a great noun, and a poor adjective."
- Rob Bell
As believers we tend to slap the "Christian" disclaimer on a lot of things. Maybe in an effort to let people know this is good. Whether it's music, books, films, clothing... even candy.
But what makes something/someone Christian?
They have confessed their sins and believe that Jesus died on the cross to pardon them of those transgressions... They have said the sinner's prayer.
OK, so let's use that criteria against these other "Christian" things.
Did that song say the sinner's prayer?
Did my t-shirt confess its sinful nature and accept Jesus into its life?
What about that christian film? Did my DVD raise its hand and walk up to the front of the church to accept Jesus?
I think we need to be careful when we use the word "Christian" in an effort to sell a product to a church-going audience.
It's English 101, Christian is a noun, not an adjective.
Feel free to disagree in the comment section below.
Monday, April 11, 2011
The Cell Cycle
I have had the same cell phone for 6 years. Why don't I upgrade to a smartphone? Because I don't want to enter the "cell cycle".
Thanks to MATT for the graphic.

Friday, April 8, 2011
New Life or No Life?
Last night we had dinner with friends who have 2 girls, (A thought I have warmed up to... a girl) and it was a lot of fun. Their 2 girls were blast. We were treated to a puppet show, heard some funny stories from their oldest, and had a great night hanging out with people outside of the typical church setting.
One thing from the night struck me; their house was full of energy and life! Kids running around, laughing, giggling and constantly making me smile. We got home and it seemed quiet, empty and (mostly) tidy.
If you would have asked me 2 years ago about being a father I would have turned and run in fear. I'd have to give up travel, skimboarding, hockey... my life would effectively end.
But I don't think that's the case anymore.
While I still have friends that have become shut-ins since having children, I also have a number of friends that despite having kids, still kiteboard, go to the movies, and have a social life.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Selling Out
Morgan Spurlock is an interesting guy.
I've never really been a big fan of his, but after watching this TED talk, I like him a little bit more.
The idea for his movie is pretty interesting actually...
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
In Need Of An Ocean Refill
In case you haven't heard, we've been promoting the new Soul Surfer movie pretty heavy on LIFE. (I started the book last night.)
Has anyone else ever felt this way?
I'm excited to go see the movie this weekend, but there is a problem. All this buzz and excitement around the movie has stirred something within me that I thought died a while ago.
This feeling that I need to get into the water. I can't explain it, but there is this excitement... anxiety... feeling that if I don't throw on boardshorts and a tank, things could go very badly.
I love the smell of the salty air, the feel of boardshorts against my skin, the smell of sunscreen, the roar of waves crashing, the feel of sand between my toes, the warmth of sun on my skin, the smell of surf wax, the feel of my hair and skin after some time in the ocean... I feel like my soul needs that right now.
Like my survival depends on it.
Sounds dumb, I know.
I understand most people will think this is asinine, but it's me.

Monday, April 4, 2011
Spring Surprise - Part 2
Friday, April 1, 2011
April Fools
Every year Ben & Woody come up with a crazy stunt for April Fools day on the Breakfast Club. This year was no exception.
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