Saturday, February 21, 2009

First post ever

Alright, it's confession time. I only checked out the Wonderblog for the first time last night. Soon after checking it out, strange as it is, AJ sent me an email asking me to be a Wonderblog contributer...

...OK, actually, I begged him. But now that I'm here, I thought I'd give you a heads up on exactly what kind of posts you can expect to see from me:

1. Lots of supports for the greatest hockey team in the world, Les Canadiens de Montreal
2. Commentary on any movies I've seen lately (I can be pretty harsh, so don't take it personally if I totally bash your favourite movie)
3. My thoughts on current events (kind of like what you'd hear on "The Wire")
4. My thoughts on AJ or Junky that you would probably never hear from AJ or Junky

I'm also on Facebook, so anyone who wants to be my friend is welcome to. Currently, my goal is to beat AJ's 2 million and something friends by June, so come on out and support the cause.

JoJo McKnight

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