Thursday, March 29, 2007


The 2007 edition of Sharathon is in the books, and this was a VERY different experience than last year. Last year I was SOOOOOOOO nervous and didn't think I was very good at all. This year I probably wasn't much better, but I wasn't nearly as nervous. It's funny because when I'm on with Scott or Steve then I'm nervous. But put me with Crystal or Junky and I'm ok. Why is that? Steve and Scott have got years of Sharathons under their belt, they are the "experts." I think I know why. It's the same as when I play sports with REALLY good people. I tend to tense up some more and feel the pressure to be as good as they are. (Like if I'm not at their level then they won't want me on their team.)

I got past my fears and insecurities and managed to make it through the 2 days. And what a couple of days it was! We smoked our goals, getting pledges for 108% of our one-time goal, and 103% of our monthly goal. WAY TO GO LIFERS! You did us proud. God certainly is "Big Enough." It's been such an encouraging couple of days. I'm very grateful to have been a part of this year's Sharathon.